Men have PELVIC FLOORS too?!

Say what? I thought pelvic floor dysfunction was just reserved for the ladies…

Men have pelvic floors as well! And they can still be worked by performance physical therapists. See what our Boston based male pelvic specialist, Dr. Rachael McGuinness has to say!

What is “Performance” pelvic health mean for men?

If you lift heavy weights, play a sport, or have a physically active hobby (think cycling, hiking, skiing), performance health PT is likely the best fit for you!

With strenuous athletic activity, a lot of load is placed can be placed on the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to groin/low back pain, bladder/bowel, or sexual dysfunction.  

Now does this mean stop doing what you love? Absolutely not!!  The pelvic floor is the bottom of our abdominal pressure system. By maximizing our pressure management through reviewing lifting techniques, learning breathing strategies, and strengthening around the pelvic floor (think deep core and gluts) you can resolve your symptoms.

Here is an example for cross fitters:

A common thread among my male pelvic floor patients is that they typically do not feel glut fatigue, hamstring fatigue, or abdominal involvement with their lifts as much as they know they should. These patients have either have pain in their low back/groin difficulty with urination, difficulty with having BM or with sexual function. Once they work with a performance pelvic health PT, they can learn how to activate their supporting muscles during their lifts, which then deloads the pelvic floor and helps them eliminate their symptoms (and typically lift more weight!!)

If you are an athlete, or want to continue to [MOVE WELL, MOVE OFTEN] in context of your pelvic floor, schedule your FREE 15 minute Discovery Call today to see how our Docs can help!


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