The method blog
Choosing Out-of-Network Physical Therapy: Why The METHOD Stands Out
Learn why The METHOD Performance & Physical Therapy's out-of-network approach offers superior, personalized care in Boston. Discover the benefits today!
The METHOD’s Complete Guide to Boston Physical Therapy
Discover the secret to bouncing back from injuries and pushing your limits without pain at The METHOD Performance & Physical Therapy in Boston. Ready to explore the best in Boston Physical Therapy? Let's get started!
Fueling your performance
Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in optimizing performance and recovery. Whether you're training for a marathon or just enjoy distance running, getting the right nutrients is key to sustaining energy levels, enhancing endurance, and preventing fatigue. Remember: food is fuel! Lean our top tips on how to properly fuel while hitting the pavement for those long runs
Chat gpt vs the method
It’s no secret that ChatGPT is taking over. But how does it measure up in the physical therapy world? Dr. McGuinness wanted to take a look for herself…ChatGPT vs The METHOD. Will physical therapy soon by taken over by AI? Read for yourself!
A quick peek into pelvic floor pt
So you think you need pelvic floor PT? Here’s a quick sneak peek into what your first session at The METHOD looks like!
Is group fitness pt approved?
Are you a group fitness junkie? Do you find joy in being in a dark room with the music blasting while you work up a sweat? Have you been told that group fitness is bad for you? What if our Docs of Physical Therapy disagreed and reframed group fitness as a sport. Read more to learn The METHOD’s take on group fitness!
what is a performance physical therapist?
What is a Performance Physical Therapist? Dr. Evan breaks down what makes The METHOD the best performance physical therapy clinic in Boston!
Why I BOX - as a Pelvic Floor PT
Why is boxing a great way to challenge the pelvic floor? Dr. Rachael McGuinness breaks down the benefits of boxing and how it can help connect you to your core and pelvic floor!
all things [squats]
Top 5 human movement patterns that you should master. First up, the S Q U A T
TOP 5 LOW RISK HIGH REWARD exercises you should be doing
Looking for the Top 5 Low Risk High Reward Exercises? Read further to find out what!!
Physical activity
This week we are going to talk about all things physical activity; How much of it are you doing? How much do you need to be doing? What should that look like? And how do you fit it all in?
smart goals
It’s that time of year, we are all thinking about it. The new year brings a time of reflection on the year that has passed as well as optimism and planning for the year ahead. When it comes to your health and wellness goals it is important to remember to be smart about it!! No, really . . . SMART!!